Sunday, July 5, 2009

I see Blue, He look's glorious.

I was planning on putting out the update on the FA situation, but when I got off of work last night I saw this.

Tragedy takes no holidays: McNair shot dead in Nashville

I've been reading up a lot on McNair today, and in death people often get glorified. However, more than any athlete's death I remember in the recent past, he is being remembered first and foremost for what a good person he was. As details have been leaking out, it sounds more and more like this is one of those unfortunate and unnecessary tragidies that could have been easily avoided.

McNair is probably best remembered for this drive that came up just a yard short in Super Bowl XXXIV.

It's unfortunate that he is so often remembered for this losing effort. His friends, teammates, and fellow NFL players all will remember him for his toughness on the field as well as the kind of man he was off of it.

But perhaps, sadly, it's fitting that for a man who left us too soon, the signature moment of his career is one where he came up short.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend. We'll return tomorrow with our NHL update. Don't forget to tune into the show Monday night 6-9pm,

-the legend

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